The main concept of naming is as follows:
- namespace is type of object you work with
- select methods return array of names
- get methods return array of all data of matched objects
- get_one methods return array of all data of one matched object
The list will grow as the methods are added. The methods are discussed here.
XML-RPC api is limited to 240 req/min (per user).
Select all categories from given site
- argument keys:
- site: site to get pages from, e.g. "my-site"
- returns: list of category names
>>>{"site": "my-site"})
["_default", "admin", "forum", "system", "blog"]
Get names of files attached to page
- argument keys:
- site: what site we ask about
- page: what page (full name) we ask about
- returns: list of file names
Get meta data of given files
- argument keys:
- site: what site we ask about
- page: what page (full name) we ask about
- files: name of files to get meta data of — max 10 of them
- returns: dictionary of files. File name is key of each item in it. The value is a dictionary of:
- size — size in bytes
- comment
- mime_type
- mime_description
- uploaded_by
- uploaded_at
- download_url — URL to download the file from. For private sites, the URL contains authorization token ?ukey=... valid for about 5 minutes.
This method works for small files only (max 6MB).
Get file attached to page (alternatively you can use download_url from get_meta method above)
- argument keys:
- site: site to get page from
- page: page to get file from
- file: name of file to get
- returns: dictionary with the same keys as files.get_meta and additionally:
- content — base64-encoded file contents
With this method you can attach files not bigger than 50MB. Other file size limits also apply:
- site storage — can't upload file bigger than current unused file storage for site
- maximum file size depending on free/Pro Wikidot plan
Attaches file to page
- argument keys:
- site: site of page to attach file to
- page: page to attach file to
- file: name of file to attach
- comment (optional): file description
- save_mode (optional): allowed mode of operation
- create — only allow creating new objects (exception thrown if object with this name already exists)
- update — only allow updating objects (exception thrown if no object with this name exists)
- create_or_update (default) — allow both creating and updating object
- content: base64-encoded file content
- notify_watchers (optional):
- true: notify watchers about the edit (as if it was done with the web interface)
- false (default): don't notify watchers
- revision_comment (optional): revision comment (displayed in history)
- returns: the newly uploaded file information as dictionary the same to what files.get_meta return for each file
Select all tags from pages from given site or page or category
- argument keys:
- site: site to get pages to get tags from, e.g. "my-site"
- categories (optional): list of names of categories to get pages to get tags from
- pages (optional): list of full names of pages to get tags from — max 10 of them
- returns: list of tags
Select pages that match given criteria
- argument keys (if not stated otherwise, possible values documented in ListPages module):
- site: site to get pages from, e.g. "my-site"
- pagetype (optional): default "*"
- categories (optional): list of category names to pull pages from, default: all categories
- tags_any (optional): list of tags, page must have at least one of them
- tags_all (optional): list of tags, page must have all of them
- tags_none (optional): list of tags, page must have none of them
- parent (optional): single page name or "-" for pages with no parent
- created_by (optional): single user name
- rating (optional)
- order (optional)
- returns: list of page full names
>>>{"site": "my-site", "categories": ["blog", "news"], "tags_none": ["_draft"], "order": "created_at desc"})
["blog:last-post", "blog:second-post", "blog:first-post", "blog:_template"]
Get a bunch of pages and returns (some of) their meta data
- argument keys:
- site: site to list pages from, eg. "my-site"
- pages: list of page full names to list (maximum 10 pages)
- returns dictionary of pages. For each page there will be item in the dictionary with page name as key and dictionary of the following page properties as value:
- fullname
- created_at
- created_by
- updated_at
- updated_by
- title
- parent_fullname
- tags — list of all tags (including those starting with underscore)
- rating
- revisions
- [PLANNED] comments — number of comments
- [PLANNED] files — number of files attached to the page
- [PLANNED] children — number of children pages
>>> s.pages.meta({"site": "my-site", "pages": ["blog:last-post", "blog:second-post"]})
"blog:last-post": {"fullname": "blog:last-post", "created_at": "2010-08-04T23:20:50Z", "created_by": "Gabrys", "updated_at": "2010-08-04T23:23:31Z", "updated_by": "Gabrys", "title": "Last Post", "parent_fullname": None, "tags": ["blog", "last"], "rating": 8, "revisions": 2},
"blog:second-post": {"fullname": "blog:second-post", "created_at": "2010-08-03T22:52:10Z", "created_by": "Gabrys", "updated_at": "2010-08-03T22:52:10Z", "updated_by": "Gabrys", "title": "Second Post", "parent_fullname": None, "tags": ["blog", "second"], "rating": 1, "revisions": 1}
Gets one page and returns all its properties
- argument keys:
- site: site to get a page from, e.g. "my-site"
- page: page full name to get, e.g. "start" or "blog:first-post"
- returns: page properties as dictionary (consult documentation of ListPages module)
- all those listed in pages.get_meta plus:
- parent_title
- children
- content — page content, if page is assigned a form it's in YAML format
- html — generated HTML of the page (as seen from browser excluding navigational bars etc)
- comments — number of comments
- commented_at
- commented_by
>>> s.pages.get_one({"site": "my-site", "page": "blog:last-post"})
{"created_at": "2010-08-04T23:20:50Z", "created_by": "Gabrys", "updated_at": "2010-08-04T23:23:31Z", "updated_by": "Gabrys", "title": "Last Post", "parent_fullname": None, "tags": ["blog", "last"], "rating": 8, "revisions": 2, "parent_title": None, "children": 0, "content": "Test blog post", "html": "<p>Test blog post</p>", "comments": 0, "commented_at": None, "commented_by": None}
Save page. Site and page keys of argument array are required. Set specific keys to update the properties, omit to keep current values.
- argument keys:
- site: site to save page to
- page: page full name to save
- title (optional): title to set
- content (optional): page content — wiki source
- tags (optional): array of tags to set
- parent_fullname (optional): parent page full name, "-" to reset
- save_mode (optional): allowed mode of operation
- create — only allow creating new objects (exception thrown if object with this name already exists)
- update — only allow updating objects (exception thrown if no object with this name exists)
- create_or_update (default) — allow both creating and updating object
- rename_as (optional): rename the page (in addition to possible other changes in source etc)
- revision_comment (optional): revision comment (displayed in history)
- notify_watchers (optional):
- true: notify watchers about the edit (as if it was done with the web interface)
- false (default): don't notify watchers
- returns: saved page (as in pages.get_one)
We only want to make API for comments currently, but it will be expanded to both comments and forum. That's why the namespace is posts and not comments.
Note the API for posts namespace is not yet stable. This means it may change in the future without notice and break compatibility.
Select post/comments on given site, page, thread and/or in reply to other comment.
- argument keys:
- site: site to get pages to get comments from, e.g. "my-site"
- page (optional): page to get comments from
- thread (optional): thread to get posts from — not yet implemented
- reply_to (optional): only select comments/posts that are direct replies to this one ("-" means not replies to other posts/comments)
- created_by (optional): select posts by this user
- returns: list of post/comments IDs sorted by date posted
- argument keys:
- site: site to get comments from, e.g. "my-site"
- posts: list of IDs of posts/comments to get (max 10 of them)
- returns dictionary of posts/comments. For each post/comment there will be item in the dictionary with post/comment ID as key and and dictionary of the following post properties as value:
- id — ID of post/comment
- fullname — fullname of page to which comment belongs
- reply_to — ID of comment which this post/comment replies to
- title — title of the post/comment
- content — post/comment body (wiki syntax)
- html — post/comment body as HTML
- created_by — user that posted post/comment
- created_at — time post/comment was posted
- replies — number of replies to given post/comment — not yet implemented
- argument keys:
- no arguments needed, pass an empty dictionary or array
- returns dictionary of user (the one that API key belongs to) properties:
- name: URL version of user name, for example "john-smith" for "John Smith"
- title: full name of user, for example "John Smith"
- id: ID number of user, for example "12345"
Deleted methods
The following methods are deleted and don't work anymore:
- site.pages
- site.categories
- page.get
- page.files
- user.sites